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Fundraising from Angel Investors 

HackRaise by HackLaunch is a virtual program that hosts startups and early stage companies, equipping them with knowledge and training needed, to be investor ready to raise funds from angel investors looking for promising founders to back.

Selected startups will go through a comprehensive training program and get the opportunity to apply their knowledge immediately and pitch to our investors on demo day.

*Open to founders globally

We make founders investor-ready and help you connect with the right investors

HackRaise is a comprehensive and immersive program meticulously designed to provide startups with a holistic understanding of the intricacies of the fundraising process and the world of angel investors. With a strong focus on empowering startups, HackRaise covers a wide range of topics and provides practical insights to help entrepreneurs navigate the complexities of raising capital.

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What HackRaise will take you through:

Introduction to Angel Investors

Preparing to Raise Funding

The Fundraising Process​

After fund-raising

Alumni companies in our network


Stay ahead with our latest insights, blogs, events and podcasts.

Is innovation a necessity or luxury for your company?

How to create a culture of experimentation in your business

8 benefits of running an internal innovation program

Harness our expertise and guidance to successfully navigate the funding landscape.

Secure your funding investments today!

25% increase diagnostic test administrated

US $300k raised

263% Increased revenue


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