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Singapore University of Technology and Design

Hackathon to accelerator bootcamp for social entrepreneurs to build startups that “Create for Good”

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The Client

Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) is a research-intensive university that focuses on engineering, science, and technology. As part of its Create4Good Innovation Fund to support social entrepreneurship initiative, SUTD plans to run a three month long accelerator-like program to support students and alumnus with their startups.

The Challenge

SUTD Venture and Innovation, Entrepreneurship team brought HackLaunch onboard to develop the accelerator program leveraging on our experience running hackathons and accelerators to create a startup bootcamp that encompass team formation, hackathon to acceleration over a 3-month period. The program will take participants from idea to startup creation that culminate in a demo day to award startups with $50,000 to kick start the business.

Our Solution

HackLaunch designed and ran the end-to-end accelerator program for SUTD Create4Good. The program includes a hackathon and 5 training session with industry experts and founders on Ideation and Validation, Prototyping, Marketing your products, Acquiring customers and Fundraising and storytelling before culminating in a demo day. HackLaunch also brought in relevant team mentors to support the various teams and startups throughout the program and conducted all training sessions with our industry experts.

Final Results

During the 3 month long program, over 50 SUTD students and alumnus took part in the Create4Good program that resulted in 13 startups that went through the startup bootcamp. At the end of the bootcamp, 4 startups emerged to receive funding after the demo day pitch.

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“HackLaunch has been a partner for SUTD Create4Good hackathon and bootcamp. Their network of industry experts and mentors helped our startups refine and accelerate their progress. We truly enjoy working with HackLaunch and look forward to partnering with them again.”

Loh Weiren

Program Manager, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)


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